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« Timing a Computer Book Release to Match the Software’s Release Date | Main | La Bohème at University of Maryland College Park »

April 14, 2005


Joe Wikert

For my money, there's one word that separates a good author from a great author: passion. Kathy Sierra, another great author, talks extensively about this at her blog ( http://headrush.typepad.com/creating_passionate_users/ ). If someone is just getting started in this business, my advice is to identify the topic you're most passionate about. Focus on that for your first writing project. You're more likely to write a great book on something you're passionate about than something you're sort of interested in -- the words are likely to flow easily for the passionate topic as well.

Naba Barkakati

Joe, Yes- -passion is certainly a prerequisite for the persistence and perseverance.

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