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April 16, 2005


Joe Wikert

Hi Naba. I think you're absolutely right about needing to find the diet that works best for you. I was getting rather large about 10 years ago and decided to try something on my own. It was the start of summer and I cut back on my meal sizes and evening snacks. More importantly, I tried to have a lot of watermelon on hand... Anytime I got hungry at night I ate as much watermelon as I wanted to. The result: I lost about 20 pounds between April and September that year. I also ramped up my exercising, which obviously played a part. I've managed to stay within about 5-7 pounds of my low point that year ever since. I guess if I ever get large again I can try the "watermelon diet" and see if it will bring me back down again. It worked for me, but who knows if others would have the same luck.

Naba Barkakati

Joe, It seems you always need something that keeps you feeling full without ruining the diet. I have been eating almonds, peanuts, and drinking lots of black tea. I too notice a fluctuation of about 4-5 pounds from a nominal weight. It's a continuous struggle, but worth it :-)

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