Fedora Core 4 Test 3 (FC4T3) is out and I just finished downloading the DVD ISO image with BitTorrent (from the tracker at http://torrent.dulug.duke.edu). I left the maximum upload rate at the default setting of 20KB/s and BitTorrent chugged along at a download rate of between 30 and 60KB/s. As I mentioned in my earlier praise of BitTorrent, I love that BitTorrent downloads at a slow and steady pace, which means that the rest of us on our home LAN could still do some productive work on the Internet. Here's a screenshot after BitTorrent finished downloading the 2,674,152KB DVD ISO image; I have left it running so it can be one of the shares in the torrent:
I had to run BitTorrent under Windows because my Linux partition didn't have enough free space. Unfortunately, overnight Windows installed some updates and rebooted the PC, which killed the BitTorrent download before it had finished. In the morning I restarted BitTorrent and it simply picked up where it left off, which is another thing I love about BitTorrent.
By the way, if you want something more interesting than Fedora Core downloads, here's a site with links to torrents that offer high-resolution legal music videos: http://www.vjtorrents.com/ (you can even get this through an RSS feed from http://www.vjtorrents.com/wp-rss2.php). Enjoy the videos while I burn the DVD; this I plan to do from Linux using the growisofs command :-)
Tags: P2P trends BitTorrent torrent video Fedora FC4 Linux download