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May 20, 2005


Brad Hill

Hi Naba -- read your review with interest, but can't find the product. On my machine, your links lead to MSN Search, with no mention of RSS that I can see. What am I doing wrong?

Naba Barkakati

Brad, I am not sure what's wrong. When I initially went to http://www.start.com/1/ I get to something that looks like MSN Search initially, but I think I clicked "Show" on the upper left part of the window and then the rest of the RSS part appears. I should have been clear about that step. I hope it works for you after that step.

Brad Hill

Hmm, I don't see anything like that. A small notice on the screen does say "Loading..." but the browser is not loading anything. I gave it some time to load a script in the background, but nothing happened.

Naba Barkakati

Brad, I tried it again and I do see the "Loading..." for a second or two, but then "Show" appears and I am able to click it. It'd be nice to know why it doesn't work for you.


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